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The Hulk


2 reviews

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16.9 oz Glass Bottle

organic celery, gala apple, kale, green bell pepper, organic parsley, organic e3live(blue-green algae), organic coconut water

Adding a twist to your regularly scheduled green juice, the Hulk provides unique ingredients and flavors to boost bone health and packs a punch with 65 vitamins and minerals, and revitalize your hydration levels.

With the taste of summer gardens and subtle sweetness, this juice will amp up your protein intake and provide a boost to your immune system. It may not get you to quite the size of our favorite green superhero, but it will sure start you on the right track. 

Drink me when...

You just smashed a sweaty workout.
You need some focus for a study sesh.
You need a boost of B vitamins.

(if you're plant-based, this one's for you!)

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